Sunday, November 28, 2010

Appearance vs. Reality

The Deceptiveness of Appearances
In the House of The Seven Gables there is a reccurring theme of “everything is not what it seems.” Hawthorne uses places, and characters to demonstrate this motif. There were multiple characters used, but I think that you can clearly discern this theme in the characters of Hepzibah and Judge Pycheon. The townspeople and many of Judge Pycheon’s acquaintances would see him as wonderful, kind man, since he has a wonderful smile and displays himself as a man of aristocracy. While Hepzibah is seen as a terrible, grumpy old lady, because of the scowl on her face.
            Hepzibah is nearsighted so it seems that she has a permanent scowl on her face. Because of this many of the townspeople and even her own family are scared to talk to her. However, if they would actually talk to Hepzibah they would see that she is a very nice and caring lady. She manage to treats her customers with the utmost respect and politeness, and those who have the courage to come into the shop are able to see her true personality. Nevertheless, because she seems so unapproachable she is very lonely and sad because of her loneliness.
            Contrarily, Judge Pycheon is seen as a very amicable man because of his beloved smile. In truth the Judge is very unrighteous. If he doesn’t get what he wants his uncharacteristic traits seem to show. From the perception of people who just see his appearance, he seems like a respectable gentleman, but people like Phoebe, Hepzibah, Clifford, and even Holgrave, are easily able to through his deceiving smile. Furthermore, for these reasons among others we are able to see the recurring theme of appearance vs. reality.

1 comment:

  1. You list some very important points. I feel that other characters like the judge may have been used due to his highly deceptive nature.
