Sunday, February 6, 2011


          In Black Boy, the main character Richard is hungry for many things. In the beginning of the book we see that he is hungry for attention, when he sets the house on fire. We also see that he is hungry for knowledge also. He wants to learn how to read and write, and he seems to want to learn what his piers know. Also, throughout the book we see that Richard is hungry, for food, and most importantly love.
          However, Richard is not the only one hungry. Richard's brother also seems hungry for attention when he tells on Richard all the time, his mother seems hungry for attention, but she doesn't publicly display it like Richard does. I also believe that Richard's dad is hungry for a better lifestyle, which is why he leaves his family for a different one. Also, I believe that everyone, in the book or in reality, is hungry for something, but some express their hunger in different ways

1 comment:

  1. If Richard's father was hungry for a better life style he could have done that on his own with his family. Back then the husband was incharge of the family so he could have made changes that would change their living status. It wasn't his families fault, he was head of the family he took care of everyone they lived on what he provided. So if he wasn't happy with how they were living it was his fault because he was providing for them.He was really just hungry with lust for another women.
