Friday, December 17, 2010

Undercover Artist(s)

          My favorite genre of music ranges from hip-hop to alternative and I really pick a better of the two, so I'm going to do two music reviews. The first is my favorite rapper, J. Cole. Everyone might think that they know who he is because of the few singles that he has recently released, but J. Cole was dropped 3 great mixtapes (The Warm-up, The Come-up, and Friday Night Lights), all of which show the personality of a non-commercial rapper, which I think is the one thing that the hip-hop industry lacks. I think that J. Cole says what he has to say, not only about cars, and clothes, but about the stuff that really matters in life and to him. And I think this trait makes him one of the greatest rappers alive today. My second artist is The Whitest Boy Alive. He is an alternative artist, that a lot of people do not know about. I think that his songs are very unique and creative and bring a new style to the table of alternative music.

1 comment:

  1. J. Cole is solid. I think once you delve deeper into the "underground" you'll find it gets much better than Cole...depends on your tastes.

    The Whitest Boy Alive is new to me. Just downloaded two of his songs to listen to over break.
